The National Seminar on Aerospace Structures (NASAS), held periodically under the aegis of the Structures Panel of the Aeronautics Research & Development Board (AR&DB), has now gained prominence as a major forum for discussion on topics of importance in the field of aerospace structures. Over the years, this seminar has provided a platform to a large number of academicians, scientists, engineers, students and users to present their research work, exchange notes and share ideas for future growth of the field. The XVII NASAS is being held at the Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur from 22 to 24 September, 2011.
Abstract Submission
The aim of the conference is to provide a platform to exchange scientific information on Aerospace Structures and related fields. Abstract of the papers should clearly state the purpose of study, principal results, and major conclusions.The abstract must be limited to 1000 words only and must follow the format provided. Download "Abstract Template" for detailed guidelines for abstract submission.A soft copy of the abstract should be submitted to the Convenor of the conference through Email.
Prof. C. Venkatesan
Convenor, XVII NASAS
Department of Aerospace Engg.
IIT Kanpur, Kanpur-208016Note:- Decision of acceptance of abstract will be communicated through email.
- Manuscript needs to be submitted only after the acceptance of the abstract.
Registration Details
The seminar is an excellent opportunity for all interested in the field of Aerospace structures and related fields. The following category of participants are welcome- Students
- Professional and Practicing Engineers
- Industry participants
- Scientists working in the field of Aerospace Structures
Registration Fee
All participants (Except Students) Rs. 3,500/-
Student participants Rs. 1,500/-
Registration fee covers participation, proceedings, lunch and tea during the conference.All payments should be through DD drawn in favor of "Registrar , IIT Kanpur - XVII NASAS" payable at Kanpur.Completed Registration forms along with the DD should be sent toProf. C. Venkatesan
Convenor, XVII NASAS
Department. of Aerospace Engineering
IIT Kanpur, Kanpur - 208016
Seminar Topics
Design and manufacturing of Aerospace Vehicles have always been technology drivers in the development of new processes and materials; testing methods; modeling strategies and analysis tools. With the current focus on unmanned air-vehicles, new materials, analysis, design and testing methodologies for adaptive/ morphing structures have also emerged as thrust areas of research.The conference theme is Aerospace Structures. Original research papers are invited from authors in the following topics, as well as in other related areas:
- Composite structures
- Smart and adaptive structures
- Damage and failure analysis
- Structural health monitoring
- Structural dynamics and aeroelasticity
- Highly flexible structures
- Experimental methods
- Qualification and certification
The aim of the conference is to provide a platform to exchange scientific information on Aerospace Structures and related fields. Abstract of the papers should clearly state the purpose of study, principal results, and major conclusions.The abstract must be limited to 1000 words only and must follow the format provided. Download "Abstract Template" for detailed guidelines for abstract submission.
Prof. C. Venkatesan
Convenor, XVII NASAS
Department of Aerospace Engg.
IIT Kanpur, Kanpur-208016
Convenor, XVII NASAS
Department of Aerospace Engg.
IIT Kanpur, Kanpur-208016
- Decision of acceptance of abstract will be communicated through email.
- Manuscript needs to be submitted only after the acceptance of the abstract.
Registration Details
The seminar is an excellent opportunity for all interested in the field of Aerospace structures and related fields. The following category of participants are welcome- Students
- Professional and Practicing Engineers
- Industry participants
- Scientists working in the field of Aerospace Structures
Registration Fee All participants (Except Students) Rs. 3,500/- Student participants Rs. 1,500/- Registration fee covers participation, proceedings, lunch and tea during the conference.All payments should be through DD drawn in favor of "Registrar , IIT Kanpur - XVII NASAS" payable at Kanpur.Completed Registration forms along with the DD should be sent toProf. C. Venkatesan
Convenor, XVII NASAS
Department. of Aerospace Engineering
IIT Kanpur, Kanpur - 208016
Seminar Topics
Design and manufacturing of Aerospace Vehicles have always been technology drivers in the development of new processes and materials; testing methods; modeling strategies and analysis tools. With the current focus on unmanned air-vehicles, new materials, analysis, design and testing methodologies for adaptive/ morphing structures have also emerged as thrust areas of research.The conference theme is Aerospace Structures. Original research papers are invited from authors in the following topics, as well as in other related areas:- Composite structures
- Smart and adaptive structures
- Damage and failure analysis
- Structural health monitoring
- Structural dynamics and aeroelasticity
- Highly flexible structures
- Experimental methods
- Qualification and certification